

  • 今年、令和7年に20歳になる方が対象ですが、お友達と共に参加する場合はその方も割引の対象になります。1グループは本人を含めて最大4人までです。
  • 通常3,500円が2,000円になります。
  • 20歳になる方は当日、運転免許証が学生証などの年齢が確認できるIDをご持参くだい。
  • 対象になるのは 令和7年1月に開催される全クラスです。日程はカレンダーで確認できます。
  • 前日までの事前予約が必要です。こちらからどうぞ。なおメッセージの中に、この特別クーポンを利用する旨を記載してください。

To celebrate those who are coming of age this year, TSDS is offering a special coupon that provides a significant discount on class lessons. Why not take this opportunity to start Lindy Hop?

This offer is available to those turning 20 years old this year, but if you attend with a friend, they will also be eligible for the discount. A group can include up to four people, including the individual turning 20.
This offer applies to all classes held in January 2025. Please check the schedule on the calendar. The usual fee of 3,500 yen will be reduced to 2,000 yen.

Those turning 20 must bring an ID that verifies their age, such as a driver’s license or student ID, on the day of the class.

Advance reservations are required by the day before. Please book here.
Be sure to mention in your message that you would like to use this special coupon.

Lindy at the Jam Session, Kagurazaka


This is a traditional jazz session at MASH Records in Kagurazaka, organized by clarinetist Makiko Tamura and saxophonist Satoshi Ito. Both are professional jazz musicians, while most of the other participants are amateurs. Lindy hoppers are welcome to dance!

Please note that this is not a regular concert for an audience but rather a session for jazz musicians—a type of practice gathering. The cost is 1,800 yen per person, and no booking is required.

The dance floor is relatively small, accommodating only a few couples at a time. However, the organizers are exceptionally welcoming toward dancers. While Makiko is a superb clarinetist, she may also take the opportunity to practice piano during the session.

The session begins at 7:30 PM and concludes around 10:00 PM. Some of us will be heading there to dance, as there will be no Necola Wednesday Night Hop at Studio Necola that day.

Google Maps: Mash Records

文京区主催 【無料】初めてのリンディホップ


同センターは当該地域コミュニティ形成のための各種イベント等を実施していますが、1/18 にリンディホップを取り上げます。講師は東京スウィングダンスソサエティのHiro、アシスタントは Keiko です。

日 時:1月18日(土)13:30~15:30
会 場:大塚地域活動センターオープンスペース
(文京区大塚1-4-1 中央大学茗荷谷キャンパス2階)
Google Maps 
詳細申込: https://250118otsukaop.peatix.com/
対 象:どなたでも
定 員:40名
言 語:日本語 Japanese language at this session

大塚地域活動センター オープンスペース企画事務局
(運営:図書館流通センターサポート事業推進室 Myogadani Lab.)


そのリンディホップの日本の聖地が、なんと文京区にあるのです! そのスタジオネコラの山田浩之さん(ヒロさん)から、1998年に日本初のリンディホップの取り組みを始めた経緯やその魅力を語っていただき、全員でダンスの体験会を行います。」

Hirofumi Asaba’s Concert at Cotton Club Tokyo


Hirofumi Asaba, widely regarded as having reached the pinnacle of swing jazz guitar in the traditional style, will be performing his much-anticipated regular show at Cotton Club Tokyo, one of Japan’s premier jazz venues. This time, he brings his acclaimed YouTube series Plays Standards to the live stage, presenting it directly to the audience. The setlist will primarily feature fan-favorite selections from the series.

Joining him on stage will be his renowned duo partner, Nobuyuki Yano, along with special guest performers Sari, Makoto Ueno, and Atsuki Takizawa. A night of heartfelt, soulful, and swingin’ music awaits!

His Shiny Stockings at Studio Necola
Google Maps

Japan’s #1 swing big band to perform at Cotton Club Tokyo

The Kenichi Tsunoda Big Band To Perform At Cotton Club Tokyo

March 1st and 2nd, 2025

The top swing jazz big band in the world is the Count Basie Orchestra. But who holds the top spot inmodern Japan? The answer is likely the Kenichi Tsunoda Big Band.

Japan once had a legendary super bandleader, Nobuo Hara, who was highly respected by Count Basie himself. Like Basie, Hara is now performing in heaven. Here on Earth, however, the band that has truly inherited Hara’s musical legacy is Tsunoda’s band.

This outstanding big band will be performing at Cotton Club Tokyo. If you want to experience authentic swing big band jazz in Tokyo, this is a concert you absolutely cannot miss.

Cotton Club Tokyo
Google Maps

After Reading This Article, A Reflection on Lindy Hop’s History in Japan

After Reading This Article: A Reflection on Lindy Hop’s History in Japan

What a delightful and insightful article by Shigeru Inatomi! It was both captivating and informative, offering a fresh perspective on aspects of swing dancing I hadn’t known or had forgotten. I was surprised to learn, for example, that only three months had passed from Hiro’s first swing dance experience to Frankie Manning’s visit to Japan. It’s truly remarkable how much progress one can make in such a short time—an inspiring example of passion and dedication!

Inatomi’s article is exceptionally well-written, providing valuable insights into Lindy Hop and the efforts he has made to nurture its growth in Tokyo. His contributions to the local swing dance community are clearly evident, and it’s wonderful to see how the scene has flourished under his guidance. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to read this piece.

Written by Cynthia R. Millman
Co-author with Frankie Manning of Frankie Manning: Ambassador of Lindy Hop
Temple University Press, 2007

Frankie Manning: Ambassador of Lindy Hop, Temple University Press, 2007

Cynthia Millman with Masahisa Segawa in Tokyo in 2013


とても魅力的で、情報も豊富で、スウィングダンスに関して私が知らなかった、あるいは忘れていた側面について、新たな視点を提供してくれました。たとえば、Hiro がスウィングダンスを始めてからフランキー・マニングが日本を訪れるまで、わずか3ヶ月しか経っていなかったことを知り、驚きました。短期間でこれほどの進展を遂げるなんて、本当に素晴らしいことです。情熱と献身の素晴らしい例ですね!


The Count Basie Orchestra at Blue Note Tokyo
December 8th, 2024
Written by Hiro Yamada, Tokyo Swing Dance Society

Today, I attended two events featuring the Count Basie Orchestra at Blue Note Tokyo: a daytime band clinic and an evening concert, along with swing dancers and musicians.


A selection of songs performed at the Necola Premium Swingin’ Hop held on November 24th, 2024

David Smith, London, England/Tokyo, Japan
December, 2024

Thank you so much for organising the amazing “Necola Premium Swingin’ Hop” in November. Carole and I had a fantastic afternoon. “Makiko Tamura and the Necola All-Stars featuring Fumi Mizubayashi” was brilliant – accomplished musicians, voices and great tunes to dance to plus a wonderful lively atmosphere. It was great to dance with friends, old and new. Everybody was very welcoming and we felt confident to join in, despite not being the finest dancers ourselves. We look forward to the next event at Studio Necola!

  • Makiko Tamura and the Necola All-Stars 

That’s Plenty (only the first minute)
I Found a New Baby
Don’t Get Around Much Any More
Five Kitties And The Charleston (The Shimmy Shake) / 五匹のにゃんことチャールストン
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Exactly Like You

  • Trio featuring Hajime Kobayashi, Hirofumi Asaba, and Oji Kimura 

In a Mellow Tone
Shiny Stockings

  • Duet by Makiko Tamura and Fumi Mizubayash with the Necola All-Stars

Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?
Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams

  • Makiko Tamura and the Necola All-Stars featuring Fumi Mizubayashi 

The Late Late Show
(Why Did I Tell You I Was Going To) Shanghai (Take-1) (Take-2)
One More Kiss, Dear (Music from Blade Runner)


Biomechanical Considerations in the Lead and Follow of Partner Dance (Lindy Hop)

Tokyo Swing Dance Society presented a poster at the 4th Research Meeting of the Japan Society for Dance Science held in Tokyo in October 2024.


Biomechanical Considerations in the Lead and Follow of Partner Dance (Lindy Hop)

続きを読む Biomechanical Considerations in the Lead and Follow of Partner Dance (Lindy Hop)